Fields of Application

Lateral Flow Assays as quick on-site tests are firmly established in many fields. Our instrumentation platform Systems are able to serve a great variety of LFA tests to meet customer demands. With our devices, adapted to specific applications, measurement results can be quantified simply, exactly, and fast.

  • Human In-Vitro Diagnostics
  • Veterinary
  • Food & Feed Testing
  • Forensic Testing (DOA)
  • Lifestyle
  • Enviromental Testing
  • Homeland Secu­rity & Defense

Human In-Vitro Diagnostics

  • Point-of-Care Testing at Doctor’s Office, in Hospitals & Clinics
  • Mobile Testing at Patient Side
  • Clinical Trials
  • Govermental Healthcare Programs
  • NGO based Healthcare Screening Programs (WHO, Unicef)

Veterinary Testing

  • Small Animal Healthiness
  • Farm Animal Screening
  • Racehorse Breeding

Food & Feed Testing

  • Grain & Grain Products
  • Milk & Milk Products
  • Fish & Seafood
  • Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
  • Meat & Meat Products

Forensic Testing (DOA)

  • Police Work
  • Prevention
  • Penal System
  • Customs Matters
  • Workplace


  • Insufficiency of specific Vitamins
  • Fitness & Physical Activity
  • Food Intolerances
  • Stress Monitoring
  • Self Tracking

Enviromental Testing

  • Water Contamination
  • Air Purity
  • Drug Residue Detection in Residential Property

Homeland Secu­rity & Defense

  • Civil Protection
  • Terrorist Attack Protection
  • Military Medical Service



Schwarzschildstraße 1
12489 Berlin – Germany

Phone +49 (0)30. 6392 2032
Fax +49 (0)30. 6392 2037

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